Unless you are living under a rock, you know Texans learned a harsh lesson in mid-February. The power system we rely on failed us. We wake-up in the morning and do not give a thought to turning on a light, brew our coffee, live in a comfortably tempered home. Too many Texans lived for days in frigid environments with this power failure. Like COVID, ERCOT is now a too familiar term for us. We have learned more about Texas power in a few days than we ever wanted to know.
And rightly so, there are calls for investigations. How did this happen? Was it preventable? Who is responsible? Officials in Austin will hold hearings. Corporate leaders will assess what worked, what failed. The media will report the answers given to the questions asked. Changes will be made so this experience will not be repeated.
Victim families have been asking the same questions for years. How did a serial killer get away with murdering so many seniors? Were these crimes preventable? We know he is responsible for the murders, but are others reponsible for his access to victims?
Millions were affected by the power failure. Our number of victims is smaller – eighteen indictments – 23 plus victims. But we are just as outraged with the injustice of the lack of transparency and accountability. We trusted that our loved ones were safe. We counted on the systems in place. Just as we get up in the morning and turn on a light without a thought, we trusted we would see our loved ones again for a loving hug.
With baby boomers aging into senior living the population of these establishments will continue to grow. The opportunities for crime and abuse will increase. Oversight is necessary.
As Texans call for answers and solutions from leaders in the energy industry, SOSS is calling for answers and solutions for improved senior security. The story of one of the most prolific serial killers in Texas murdering vulnerable seniors must not be ignored. Former U.S. Representative Will Hurd referred to the power outage as a black eye for Texas. A serial killer murdering seniors and no improvements in security will be a black eye on Texas. Lives could have been saved by warning residents and families of the danger lurking in their hallways. We are not dismissing the horror of this power failure. Deaths from hypothermia are inexcusable and unacceptable. We are asking that you look at our losses from our perspective. Until we have success with legislation passing and the murderer convicted, for us, the power is still out.
COVID and ERCOT make this 2021 Texas legislative session unique but SOSS is not going to let these issues distract legislators from the importance of improved senior security – it is all about transparency and accountability.

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