We are thankful Dr. Jeffrey Barnard, the Dallas County Medical Examiner has ruled on some of the pending cases. The families who waited over a year for amendments now have validation of the investigators reports. We support the victim families as they look to the Dallas County District Attorney’s office to take these cases to the grand jury for indictments.
Sadly, crime against seniors continues. Despite increased monitoring due to COVID, evil is still gaining access to our vulnerable loved ones. Ask questions, demand transparency and accountability.
Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht issued the Twenty-Sixth emergency order effective October 1, 2020, that in-person jury trials must not be held prior to December 1st unless they meet specific criteria. https://www.txcourts.gov/media/1449738/209112.pdf
October is a difficult month for many families. In October 2016, multiple homicides occurred at The Tradition Prestonwood. The following year, October 2017 the murderer targeted Preston Place in Plano. Sadly, both establishments did not acknowledge what was occurring in their profit-making businesses and the murderer returned months later to commit more murders.
The following are comments from a victims daughter, as she faced the fourth anniversary of her mother’s criminal death.
“My mother was a victim of Billy Chemirmir. She was murdered on October 8, 2016 after walking down to her dining room to get a salad and rushing back upstairs to watch the University of Texas/OU football game. A game that she enjoyed attending but did not that year because of the expected large crowd. She was 85, she was not in assisted living, but in independent living and totally healthy and full of life. The life he took, the ongoing grief he caused so many, only to rob her of a cross necklace, cash, and her treasured wedding ring. He spent over an hour in her room terrifying her, smothering her, and rummaging through her belongings. He sold the items the next day. Because of his evilness and greed, my heart will forever be broken. As I approach the four year anniversary of her “death” that I feel like was yesterday, I relive every grief-stricken moment hearing from management of the independent living property, that my mother had died suddenly of a heart attack or a stroke and died before she hit the ground. We knew something was not right with the situation.
Eighteen months later our family found out from investigators that the Godly creation that birthed me into this world, raised me, nurtured me, protected me, loved me unconditionally, taught me everything including the love and grace of Jesus Christ had been murdered.”
As of this writing there are 23 named victims, 3 Jane Does and two survivors. We would like to think this horror was a one-off. But it is not. As cited above, seniors are vulnerable victims. This is the reason legislation is needed. It is time to protect and care for, those who cared for us.
We trusted what we had been told by the management, where they lived – they were safe, they were secure. Do not be like us. Ask questions. Share our story so others are aware. Support us by sharing our story, let others know of senior vulnerability. But most importantly, request legislation from your elected officials for security, transparency and accountability for the senior living establishments.