The suite of Bills supported by SOSS has seen measured success. Here is the status of each Bill:
SB 1133/ HB 3144 – Opt-In Registration and Certification for homes to increase security and communicate with residents, family, and police about criminal activity – The House Human Services Committee heard testimony and seemed favorable to the Bills introduced by Senator Nathan Johnson and Representative Jared Patterson. It is pending while staff and stakeholders negotiate language. We continue to be hopeful that the details can be finalized and ultimately approved.
HB 3095 – Liability/Arbitration Bill establishing liability for not communicating criminal activity to residents, family, and police. And not allowing Arbitration clauses in senior home contracts – Introduced by representative Julie Johnson, it is currently pending with the House Human Services Committee. We are encouraged that the committee appeared to be favorable.
SB 1132/HB 3123 – Crafted Metals Bill requiring enforcement of existing laws on inventory and seller identity at “cash for gold” business. And increases inspections for those records – Introduced by Senator Nathan Johnson and Representative John Turner. The Senate passed the Bill, and it is pending a hearing in the House. We are confident this measure will be approved and signed into law.
SB 864/HB 723 – Medical examiner notification Bill. Requires the ME to notify family members if there is a change to the Cause of Death – Introduced by Senator Angela Paxton and Representative Jared Patterson, the House passed the Bill and is waiting for a final vote in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. We are confident this Bill will also become law.
You may see words like “confident, pending, hopeful, measured.” That tells you our work is not done until both Chambers pass the Bills and send them to the Governor for signature. There isn’t much time. The session ends May 31st, 2021. Please consider calling your House and Senate representatives to encourage them to vote in favor of the Bills. You can find your representative on the SOSS.org website.
And please send a thank you to Senators Nathan Johnson and Angela Paxton, Representatives Julie Johnson, Jared Patterson, and John Turner for sponsoring these bi-partisan measures to improve senior security.
Pre-COVID, the trial was scheduled to begin Monday, April 5th, 2021. We have been told there will be a meeting at the end of April to discuss a trial date. When we have the date, you will be the first to know.

The Big Ask – Not as Fun as The Big Easy – But Important
SOSS started as a small broken-hearted group. But very determined to see change. We continue to grow, but we are a baby as we navigate the state legislature, lobbying, testimony, the media, our own communications tools like our website and this newsletter. We have learned more than we ever wanted to know about all these areas. And our determination to our mission is unwavering and more vital than ever to understand and do more.
One other thing we discovered: We cannot reach our goals with only volunteers. Volunteers got us here, and SOSS will continue to rely on our strong Board of Directors and the families who are victims of this horrible crime spree.
When investigating facts to support our testimony, we found Texas is not a one-off state with crimes like this. From petty theft to assault, abuse, and even other murders, senior living homes from coast to coast need a voice like SOSS. We will share our research in the future, including how doctors and ME’s nationwide are misclassifying death certificates when there was apparent foul play.
What is the Big Ask? If we are to build our voice, it will take resources. Through a few small donations, we have been able to fund our website, communications, and a lobbyist. We ask you to consider donating and then forward this newsletter and a link to our website to friends and family everywhere, email, social media, or snail-mail.
A gift as small as $5.00 adds another voice that your representative will hear. Hundreds and thousands of $5.00 donations are a strong voice and a solid foundation to build our mission as far as it will take us.
If you are able, would you consider a larger gift? $50, $100.00, $500.00, or $1000.00. There is much to be done in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. We thank you in advance.
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week was acknowledged on our website and social media. We hope you saw our posts demonstrating how vulnerable seniors are. This is an issue we must continue to advocate for daily.